Discover the Whale Capital of Iceland.

With a local guide.

During the tour, a local guide shows Húsavík’s best spots and some hidden gems, starting from Húsavíkurkirkja, the iconic wooden church built in 1907, and then moving to Skrúðgarðurinn, the attractive town gardens where the bubbling Búðara flanks the winding path and small wooden bridges criss-cross the brook.

Other locations visited are the area of the oldest house ever built in Iceland, by Swedish explorer Garðar Svavarsson in winter 870, and a panoramic viewpoint over the harbour, heart of the town in the past which even nowadays, in a different way, is the core of the local community.

While walking, history, culture and folklore emerge, unusual local tales and fun facts are told by our local experienced guide for an immersive experience in our beautiful town.

Availability: all year round.

Departure point: Travel North office.

Departure time: 2:00 p.m. On request, tours available at different times.

Tour duration: 1 hour to 1,5 hours.

Included: local English-speaking guide for the duration of the tour.

Group size: minimum number of participant is 2, maximum number of participant is 25.

Please note: distance walked during the tour is approx. 2km, on easy and mainly flat terrain.

Bookings: for scheduled departures, please use the form below. For other departures, please contact us.
